Get Involved: Adopt GSI and Other Best Practices

  • Build your own Rain Garden

    Learn how you can do your part to treat stormwater by creating your own rain garden at your home or business by following Horsley Witten Group’s easy guide!

  • Capture and Use the Rain

    Learn how to collect the rain from the roof of a building and reuse it to water your garden or lawn, wash your car, and perform other household chores.

  • Other Best Practices

    Learn from Think Blue Massachusetts about other best practices to improve local water quality, including reduction of lawn chemicals and fertilizers.

“The brilliance of working with nature is that plants naturally absorb rainfall to prevent flooding. Soil filters water and cleans it. Vegetation stabilizes soil with their root structure which inhibits erosion, trees cool the air temperature, foliage absorbs CO2 and the greenery makes landscapes beautiful.”

— Anne Mazar, Mendon Land Use Committee Chair

Learn more about GSI here